These terms of contract contain the general terms and conditions of using system as follows:
1. The purpose of the online system
The goal of this solution-system is to provide passive income generation for the user with the most modern tools available, with the implementation of networking tools of the 21th century and with the highest degree of automation.
2. Web address of the program
3. Data of the Program Operator (hereinafter Operator)
Name of the Operator: ME Automated Flow International Ltd.
Headquarters: 77 High Street, Littlehampton, England, BN17 5AG
Company register number: 07301885 (England and Wales)
4. Contact Information
Name, title: Sándor Gonosz, Director
Phone: +36205743795
5. Acceptance of General Terms and Conditions
Upon registration, subscription or purchase, the user must accept the terms of this agreement if they wish to use the services of the program by selecting the check box on the order form. Upon Acceptance of terms and conditions, a contract, as defined in this text, is concluded between the Operator and the user. The Operator sends the contract via email, completed by the data provided by the user.
If the user does not accept the terms of the contract, they will not be able to use the services of the program. They cannot register or place orders and cannot claim any income and benefits from the program.
6. Conclusion of the contract
If the user places an order through the program interface or through the personal link sent by email, and the Operator confirms the order by email, a distance contract between the purchaser (user) and the Operator will be concluded.
The user accepts that the contract concluded this way, shall be deemed to be a written contract and shall be governed by the civil law of the country of the Operator, regardless of the user’s address. The present terms and conditions apply to this contract. This contact is not affected by any changes of future terms of contract, the contractual status is decisive.
6.1 Language of the contract
This contract is concluded in English, in electronic form, and is automatically stored together with the date of conclusion of the contract and the IP address initiating the conclusion of the contract. All previous versions are also electronically accessible to the user. The user may read, save or print the contents of the contract. Electronic contracting is valid even without the signatures of the parties!
6.2 Reserved Rights
The Operator reserves the right to refuse disown or refuse to enter into a contract with the user if it violates its business or private interests. and programs run for Hungarian users in Hungarian. The training and services of the program primarily help the user to set up his or her own online activity that can provide a stable passive income.
7. Essential properties of the operating model
Operating model of the program is operation of online, automated processes and through these making the most of income opportunities, provided by MyWorld company group.
7.1 Training system
The training system covers tasks of the process, telephone- and online-marketing knowledge, as well as related administrative tasks and training of using our partner companies’ interfaces.
7.2 Referral system
The Operator ensures that the referral person is identified and recorded in a traceable way when addressing new inquires, so that the rewards for completed orders can be tracked.
7.2.1 Referral system commissions
Members who participate in the referral system are entitled to a 15 % commission on purchases made by those who have joined on their referral. Users may claim commission only for the period covered by the fees paid. After the expiration of the prize period, commissions that have not yet been claimed can no longer be claimed outside the paid period.
7.2.2 Other terms of commission payment
The Operator undertakes payment above an amount of €100.
7.3 Statistical system
We provide the user the traceability of key data from online processes. The password required for the statistical interface is given by the user and can be changed at any time by him- or herself.
7.4 Automatization system
The Operator implements and continuously develops automation to the extent possible. The automated system can be used by our partners for a fee, which guarantees the stable operation of the system, the maintenance costs and the costs of other employees servicing the system. The amount of fees depends on the frequency of payment and the number of languages chosen. The exact amount of fees is specified in the order interface based on the order settings.
8. Prices, other conditions
The published prices are always the gross prices; including VAT (any VAT exemption is included in the invoice). Shipping costs are not incurred during the program, the service is available electronically.
The fee for using the system can be settled primarily by credit card payment on a post-payment invoice. In exceptional cases the Operator may provide other payment interfaces and solutions.
9. Extension of contract
The operator notifies the user of the expiration of the service package 10, 5 and 3 calendar days prior to the expiration date set by the orders service package. If the user does not order any of the service packages until the last workday of the purchased period (in the case of credit card payment until the last calendar day of the period), after the expiration, the joining of those who arrived through his or her referral link, will be transferred to the Operator’s power.
If the contract is terminated in accordance with clauses 12.1 and 12.2 described in the GTC, the operator shall be entitled to withhold any previously accrued but not yet paid commissions of the user and to use for mitigating any damage caused by the user.
The system serves a wide range of activities and accordingly the operator reserves the right to enter into individual contracts different than this general contract. In this case the conditions laid down in the individual contract must be respected.
10. Shipping
By its very nature, the program does not require shipping.
11. Right of withdrawal
A magyar felhasználókra vonatkozó, 45/2014. (II. 26.) Korm. rendelet 29.§ (1) bek. m) pontja szerint a fogyasztó nem gyakorolhatja a 20. § szerinti elállási jogát “a nem tárgyi adathordozón nyújtott digitális adattartalom tekintetében, ha a vállalkozás a fogyasztó kifejezett, előzetes beleegyezésével kezdte meg a teljesítést, és a fogyasztó e beleegyezésével egyidejűleg nyilatkozott annak tudomásul vételéről, hogy a teljesítés megkezdését követően elveszíti a 20. § szerinti jogát.”
12. Termination of contract
The contract may be terminated in the following ways
Upon reaching the definite expiration date of the contract, in the event of normal termination by the user. In this case the contract will be terminated on the last day of the purchased period. This is considered as mutual agreement.
The user will not respond to the notice of renewal, as written under section 9, and will not order any service packages for another period. In this case the Operator is entitled to withhold the partner’s commissions and use it in the settlement.
The user violates this agreement in a material manner to the extent that it causes significant disadvantage to the Operator or is in violation of law. In this case the Operator is entitled to immediate termination of the contract, giving reasons and informing the partner.
In the activities covered by this agreement, the partner shall exercise due care in the management of any personal or other information in its possession, that is legitimate interest of the Operator and is required by Hungarian and international law. All information relating the Operator shall be treated as a business secret, customer data shall be treated in accordance with the GDPR policy and shall not be disclosed to any third party.
Valid from: 25 November 2019
Last updated: 25 November 2019.