Dear Reader!


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Smart people do not run against the wall, because they know, it will hurt. And it won’t hurt the wall… 

The same goes for when you know in advance that if you do something this way then it costs this much, if that way then that much, then you won’t choose the more expensive solution consciously. 

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As every business, opportunity or system, also Lyconet has its “timetable”.
There are some who follow it, and some who don’t.

It is certain: In the last 16 years, I have seen thousands of ideas, how you could reach the same result easier, faster, with less work. Still, the one who succeeded and was able to set up a stable business is who followed the path determined by the company.

Őszintén bízom benne, hogy így van, mert hamarosan fel fogsz fedezni egy meglehetősen egyedi lehetőséget, ami segít [a fenti vágy elérésének ígérete]…ráadásul [gyorsan, nagy biztonsággal, óriási sikerrel stb. – amit a terméket ígér]

Szóval, készen állsz?

Higgy nekem, jobb ha készen állsz…mert ez olyasmi, ami úgy [ígéret kicsit átfogalmazva, másik oldalról megvilágítva – pl. ha a fenti ígéret arról szólt, hogy megduplázod a vevőid számát, akkor itt most jöhet az, hogy: juttat egy rakás pénzhez…stb.], mint eddig még semmi más.
Mondom, hogyan…
[A neved] vagyok.

As a central option, alongside the regular schedule, in the fall of 2019 a kind of “semi-automatic” internet sales assistant has been added, which includes a lightened career step too. This inside system is called “BOOST Program”. As it is a very important help to get started, I definitely suggest that you start using this.

Őszintén bízom benne, hogy így van, mert hamarosan fel fogsz fedezni egy meglehetősen egyedi lehetőséget, ami segít [a fenti vágy elérésének ígérete]…ráadásul [gyorsan, nagy biztonsággal, óriási sikerrel stb. – amit a terméket ígér]

Szóval, készen állsz?

Lyconet provides, besides the marketer toolbar, the additional tools for the BOOST program, and if you buy the BOOST tools you will receive the privileges of the basic package (LPR package), which is by the way 300 € (well, in fact 299…), as a gift.

That’s why I tell you in advance to follow the steps I show you, because it will be the cheapest way to get the same business rights and opportunities that you need in order to generate more income.

The BOOST basic toolbar is called Marketing+ package, and it puts a webinar system in your service, operated by experts, in many languages. With the help of the BOOST program the entry criteria of the career system are up to over 80% lower, at the same benefit levels. It’s like being Black Friday all year long…

If you hesitate at the start, and you don’t want the BOOST program, then the LPR, as a starting toolbar, costs 299 €, and if you decide to buy later the BOOST package you won’t get the starting discount.

Many people like graphics, because they make understanding the text easier, so I sketched the steps of the two routes and wrote down the costs. (You don’t pay this to me, but directly to the company, which provides the international background for you.)

First route:

A) CashcbackWorld registration

B) Claiming for marketer status by purchasing the LPR package (one time 299€)

C) Joining BOOST program by buying Marketing+ package (monthly 100€)

D) Starting of MAKE MORE MONEY automatization (80,70 or 65 €, depending on time interval)

Total starting cost: 299+99+240=638 €



Second route:


A) CashcbackWorld registration

B) Joining BOOST program by buying Marketing+ package (monthly 100€)

C) Starting of MAKE MORE MONEY automatization (80,70 or 65 €, depending on time interval)

Total starting cost: 99+240=339 €


The point is that both methods will give you the same tools and the same rights. Perhaps it is not a question which his better.

The only thing left is what you should keep in mind not to get on the first route accidentally.
Follow the order I give you in the emails. After you read this, I’ll send you a link, where you can watch the presentation of the company in your own language. This will provide the discount for you.

Important is that you don’t start “partisan actions”, don’t join as a marketer in the meantime, because afterwards no one will be able to give you the starting discount!

Watch your email account, because my letter with the webinar link has already been delivered!


Have a nice day!

Sándor Gonosz