Dear Reader!


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…For mass of employees, the coming decades will be about losing their jobs because of automatization. I am telling you this now so you won’t be among those with whom this tragedy will happen.
Because it will happen, no doubt about that! We are in the process now, so I think it’s not the future anymore, it’s the present!
It is estimated that worldwide over 100 million jobs will be lost in 10-15 years, because of automatization. The jobs of these people will be taken over by machines, in some cases the profession itself will cease permanently. If you are not prepared for this in time, you may not have the opportunity, time or tools to protect yourself from the negative effects of the process.
I won’t be affected by this massive cut-back and if you want you can also step out of the danger zone. I can show you how!…

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How to put automatization in your service, instead of putting you in their service?

In other words… it depends on this whether the change raises you to heaven or pushes you to hell!

Whatever we start, it’s important that we build a stable basis first on which we can build a huge building. Only a fool would build a skyscraper on quicksand!
First look at this problem in general, and after that you will understand the specific solution easily.
Automatization is worth it if the new process…

  • requires less work from you
  • brings better quality result than doing the same thing on your own
  • generates at least as much revenue as before, or even more.

If the answer is yes to all three questions, then it’s worth to automatize. If the answer is yes for only 2 or 1 question, then further investigation is required, or you have to decide on your personal advantages.

And one more thing, which is at least as important as the previous three aspects:

The solution that you want to automatize must be viable from the start, because automatization speeds up the processes, speeds up the selection. A viable business will flourish from it, while a bad one dies a sudden death.

I paid great attention to automatizing a thing that is already proven, where the viability is not a question. The numbers below speak for themselves:

16 years of history, more than 14 million users, more than 300.000 trading partners, 1500 employees in 48 countries.

Can you accept that these numbers can only be presented with a viable idea?
If yes, then our common base is quite stable, we can move on…

If you are not completely satisfied with the shopping refund (and why would you be) then you have to move further.

The shopping refund manager company of the MyWorld group is CashbackWorld. It has another subsidiary company which is responsible for expanding of the customer and the trading partner base, with a multi-level referral system. This company is called Lyconet and its employees are called “marketers”.

And this is where the potential income, that is significantly higher than your own shopping refunds, comes into the picture. In this system there is a total of 8 available income sources, but to keep it simple I’ll show your tasks through the income source, which is on the one hand easy to understand and on the other hand, it brings fixed amounts of benefits. Thus I am able to tell you exactly how much income you can reach.

I must already reveal one “secret”. I admit, I didn’t dare to tell you at first, what amount of income can be reached with this activity. It’s not just to triple your current income. It also offers the opportunity to create a new existence, even if you start from the bottom, that can’t be achieved in a life of an employee apart from one or two exceptions (top leaders of multi-national-companies…). Think of many thousands of euros a month or more.

But it does matter, whether you reach the goals from your own strength or thinking in a system.

That’s why I thought through, systematized and automatized the significant part of the necessary tasks for you. That’s why I didn’t start to show you and teach you the tasks one by one, because my goal is that you will not have to go through everything, what I’ve been through within 16 years.

I think, you have neither the time nor the mood for that. So, I put the automatic system to your service, and what took me a decade to put together, you will be able to reach within a year. All this so that you don’t even need to learn everything what I had, you don’t need to drive 2.000.000 km-s in 5-6 years like me. You don’t have to give a presentation, organise trainings to your co-workers. You don’t even have to leave your house if you don’t want to.




Many people search the secret of success all their lives, and can’t find out, that success does not have a secret but a price. Who pays the price will be successful, who doesn’t pay, can search the Holy Grail anywhere, but he will never be successful.

I paid the price of success by being away from my family a lot, by travelling, by making people understand the opportunities. In addition, I also paid the costs of all this over the years in hundreds of thousands of euros.

An MLM-type company anywhere in the world is suitable for you to be successful, to create complete financial independence for yourself. I would feel really bad if I didn’t show you honestly, what it takes to build up a business like this, if you don’t automatize the whole system. The presentations, wrapped in pink clouds, built up professionally, never show the real expenses of the building out of a tens-of-thousands-of-euros-revenue bringing business, how much time and money you have to invest.

I know the traditional business builders will be mad at me, but it is my duty to show you everything for the big picture.

So, a stable, well profitable, at least 20-30 thousand euro passively providing business requires in 3-5 years, approximately 7-10-12 thousand working hours (!) and paying at least 150-180 thousand euros. 10000 working hours counting with basic hourly wage means 140-200 thousand euros. This all together is an average 340.000 € cost in 5 years.

I recommend a much easier way than that.

Use my automatic system, paying only a fraction of its fair value, and follow the easy steps that I show you. With this you can get the same within 1-2 years than with your own 5 years activity, and it doesn’t require more than 5000-7000 euro from you.

You can’t really put a better deal together.

Now your only task is to keep watching my letters, because I reveal every important detail, which is needed for you to be able to decide, if you are with me or not.

Have a nice day!

Sándor Gonosz